Tuesday 12 March 2013

Jake Bugg Live Review

Whipping up a number one debut album, nominated for British Breakthrough Act of 2013 and having already toured with some of music’s biggest talents 18-year-olds could only ever dream of, Nottingham lad Jake Bugg has become the infectious newcomer at the buzz of everyone’s lips and after tonight’s enthralling performance, it isn’t hard to see why.

Swaggering on stage to Robert Johnsons’ Cross Road Blues hints himself a position in the folk-blues family, besides a certainly impressive musical knowledge. The sold-out crowd consisting of excited teenage girls as well as middle-aged, Paul Weller lookalikes, validates Bugg’s revamped, sixties rock appeal…a cross between Bob Dylan and Alex Turner, an old soul in an extremely young body with an undeniably special gift.

Kentucky and Trouble Town begin the persistently brilliant night combined of acoustic numbers and chart topping singles. Older tracks, 'Someone Told Me', 'Country Song' and 'Some Place' showcase his unique, gritty vocals that channel goose bumps throughout the entire venue.

Imaginably, through lack of experience or intimidation, Bugg barely moves or speaks to his audience; unfortunately indicating a lack of enthusiasm- yet, judging the crowd’s passionate applauds and wholehearted chants, the stripped down performance focusing entirely on talent proves to be more than enough. Bugg is at the beginning of his career and with upward progression- tonight is merely a hint of what he is truly capable of, making the unassuming teen the most exhilarating affair for music so far.